السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Alhamdulillah – We met our first fundraising milestone of $200,000 !!!
We would like to thank all of you for every dollar that was donated and every dua that came from your hearts.
Whenever the Muslim community comes together, Allah sends His Blessings and Mercy on them. The NIS story from the small musallah in Green Street to where we are today, is one that shows what a Muslim community can accomplish when our hearts are united and…we are just getting started!
Our goal is to achieve our fundraising target of $250,000 by Eid al Adha InshaAllah.
“The masajid of Allah shall be visited and maintained by such as believe in Allah and the Last Day, establish regular prayers, and practice regular charity, and fear none (at all) except Allah. It is they who are expected to be on true guidance” (Sura Tawba Ayat 18)
By the Grace and Blessings of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala we opened the Norristown Islamic Society for regular congregation on the blessed night of 1 Ramadan 2021. Despite the lingering restrictions of COVID 19 on community gathering, it’s been an active year for Norristown Islamic Society.
Your generous contribution and support last year helped us for the following activities/projects :
Islamic Sunday School
Youth Programs
Quran Halaqa/Tafsir
Annual Back-to-School Event
Monthly Family dinner
Grocery/ Qurbani Meat /Zakat Al Fitr distribution
Immigration Law Clinic
Building enhancement/upgrades
CCTV system
Electronic Key entry system
Digital thermostat
NIS Mobile app(IOS/Android)
Restroom/Wudu stations(In progress)
Exterior building lighting(Started)
We are continuously enhancing the masjid with various projects and initiatives. Below are the planned activities for this year:
Windows replacement – ( $ 55,000)-year one of a three-year fundraising project
Roof maintenance ($55,000) – year one of a three- year fundraising project
Total Funds needed $ 250,000
We request you to continuously support us in these initiatives for the masjid. Your generous contribution will support us in completing above projects and initiatives .-Insha Allah.
May Allah(SWT) reward you for your generosity and guide as all to do what is most pleasing to Him. Aameen